Thanks for bringing back those memories, Uesugi!ĭ&D Basic, Expert (became our favorite D&D version)Ĭall of Cthulhu 1E & 2E (best RPG games and campaigns I ever ran! All homemade.)ĭragonQuest (SPI & TSR) (This got me into miniature gaming) Now at age 60, I look back at those years as many of the best times of my life. Got back into it for a while with the family in the early 2000s playing Star Wars prequels using action figures. I quit when I was in my early 30s and was a family man. See where our roots are as a hobby and think about where we’re going.I actively DM'ed (rarely played) RPGs from the late 1970s until 1990. Play it using Béthorm or Empire of the Petal Throne or your rules-light system of choice. Find a game at your local convention, or buy a source-book and run a session for your friends. This lets me play the female general, governor, or bad-ass scholar-priestess, while showcasing the more rigid gender roles in historical societies.įor all these reasons, and because any game with a table discussing regional variations in architecture is just awesome, take time this year, on the 40th anniversary of its publication to play some Tékumel. The role of women, is in my opinion, portrayed brilliantly, with women pressured into traditional family roles, but legally allowed to declare themselves the equals of men. Homosexuality and bisexuality are discussed openly in the books and accepted within the cultures, as is polyamory.
Not just that the PCs all have black hair and brown skin and don’t live in Ye Olde Europe. What I love most, though, is that this game, the first published RPG setting, has so much of what I see people calling for in modern games. The alien races are truly alien, not just humans with some features changed. The morality springs from an honest exploration of what it would be like for humans to live in a world where incomprehensible omnipotent gods interfered in daily life.
The human society, drawn from India and South America, eschews the standard rugged-individualism of most adventuring parties for a world in which every PC is caught in a web of obligations between their family, their clan, their temple, and their career. Because of this, it lies at the intersection of both the Old School Renaissance movement, and the call for more diversity in gaming.

Published in 1975, it blends sword and sorcery, dungeon crawls, war gaming, and meticulous detail with a non-Eurocentric setting, alternative sexuality, and a role for women that manages to be empowering while not blithely ignoring historical reality. The legions of the Petal Throne line were originally created in 1976 by The Old Guard with William Murrays grooves 2. Tékumel is an amazing setting that encapsulates both the history and the future of table-top gaming. The above image is licensed under GPL 2.0. Check our "Weekly Chat"-thread to discuss these. Boardgames, wargames, video games are usually offtopic.

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